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Anyone know how to update an outdated title of the signer that appears in Signer Events. (This individual doesn’t have a DocuSign account) Thanks!

Hello!  Title is controlled either by adding a user record to an account and filling in that detail, or it is controlled by the Signer under their Manage Profile link.  If they do not have an account, however, there is no way to modify as the Sender.  The user may have a recipient only account out there where they filled in that data, so they may wish to double-check they don’t have a wayward account membership they have forgotten about.  But unfortunately, as the Sender, you cannot modify that detail once entered.

I hope this helps guide you and wish you an excellent day!

​Hi @MRS,


I hope you are doing well.

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Best regards,   


Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator   

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