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Is it possible to force capitalization on words in Text (short-text) fields or have it change to capitalization upon save in eSignature? e.g. first name, last name.

Thank you!

Hello, @KarenN 


You are welcome to the Docusign Community!


It’s possible to add a Text field in your document then use the Validation option. Using a REGEX expression you can force the signer to type only in Upper Case.


See some examples at Regex library, although there are many other sites explaining how to use REGEX as well with ready to use examples.


I hope that helps!


Fabulous, thanks Alexandre. Very helpful!


For anyone else with the same question:

For First Name I made the first letter of each name needing a Capital letter (up to 3 names) by using:



For Last Name I used (rA-Z\s])(Za-z\s]){1,30}\s*$ to enforce a Capital letter in at least one name in the Last Name field (e.g. de Souza) which worked great except for names with apostrophes in them, so I had to remove it.

If anyone reading this knows how to amend it to also work for names with apostrophes that would be great please!


Thank you!
