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We keep receiving the error message above when sending a docusign file to a specific client.
I’m assuming the client needs to allow docusign to their contacts or allow on their firewall.

What’s the email address that usually sends emails to clients?


The emails sent to clients from DocuSign typically come from the following email addresses:

  1. This is the primary email address for most DocuSign communications, including notifications to sign documents.
  2. This address may be used for notifications depending on the server region. (Replace NA1 for the other servers, NA2, NA3, NA4)
  3. Used for notifications from European servers.
  4. Used for notifications from Asia-Pacific servers.

Clients should ensure that these addresses are added to their safe sender list or whitelist in their email system. Additionally, they might need to allow the domain through their firewall or email filter settings.

@mcantagallo The email address I believe is based on the Instance your account current resides so it can be different.  Generally speaking if they allow “” they would be safe but if they want to more specific you would need to have the Instance which would look something like this:

The Na1 would be the Instance.  Easiest would be to send yourself an envelope to locate the exact address or just have them do the broad domain of “”.

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