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As a lawyers' office,the third party,knowing the enveloping ID,can we search the detailed information such as the date sent and Validity of the envelop?I have searched the website,but I just find the access by senders or recipients.

Anybody here?😣😣😣

Hi Suzzy,
The short answer is: No.

Unfortunately, as a third party, you cannot log into DocuSign and obtain information about an envelope using its ID. However, you can try contacting the sender of the envelope to request the information. If the sender is unwilling to help, you can ask the recipient to request the certificate of completion from DocuSign, as they have access. If neither option is possible, the only way to obtain the information is through a court-issued subpoena.

Hope this helps,
Sofian Saoudi | Founder @Solusign Consulting - Docusign Partner

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