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I created a template with multiple fields that had radio, check boxes, dropdowns, etc., with conditional logic in most of the fields. I created a power form with it and tested it a few times with colleagues and out of the blue, without me or anyone else changing the template all of my fields are gone, nothing was saved. I looked at the history of the template, but it doesn’t say anything of how it was changed. There is no restore option to use either. Any idea how and why this happened? How can I prevent this from happening again? 


It's frustrating when all your hard work on a template disappears without any clear explanation! 

If you tested your template, you could create a copy of a previous envelope sent and create a template from that envelope. 

From your previously sent envelopes, you should have an option to save the envelope as a template so you can recuperate your work.


Thank You! It worked 😀Yes, I was able to save the template with all the fields. Any idea how this happened? If not, would you be able to point me where I may be able to find this information?


No ideas how it might have happened.  How many other users have access to modify the template?   You might want to password protect it. Or save the JSON outside of DocuSign.

Thank you! We have a shared account and all of us are admin, so even with password protected they can edit the template. I know the template wasn’t edit, the history does not show any changes.


I would reach out to DocuSign support to see if there is anything they can do to find out.

Hi @Yisa,


I hope you are doing well.


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Best regards,


Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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