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On document templates is there any way to do string functions. 


Example i -  you have a field on page 1 where they enter in city, state & zip - later in the process you have a line for city state zip and you would just like to concat(city, state, zip).  I know you can just repeat the labels, but I am thinking treating them as a single string w/o the extra spaces.


Another example they enter in their name - first, last and later you have a field which is going to be the first 3 characters of the lastname  + the first initial (Ex. first=john, last=doe, computed field is DoeJ)


One more user enters first, last middle - in various locations later on the doc you need NameLastCommaFirst or NameFirstLast


See if there are any tools in docusign or approach to do this





Hi @kenZ,


Thank you for reaching out to the Docusign Community.  

Our Calculated Fields feature only supports text fields validated to be numbers or dates, processing text is unsupported at the moment.

You can find more details on this process, here:

Calculated Fields

Feel free to let us know if you need further assistance with this. 


Best regards,

Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator  

Please click "Best Answer" below if you find my reply to be a valid solution to your issue!


