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If i create a template and share it with other users, I am notified of its completion along with the document itself. Is there a way to prevent this happening? 

I am the admin and want to create templates to share with my user groups and not have them alter them, but for internal compliance purposes I should not have visibility to the completed documents themselves. 

Hello, @Gil.Parra 


Welcome to the Docusign Community!


In the mentioned template, are you part of the recipients? If so, you’ll be notified due that and will get a completion email at the end with the signed documents.


Let me know,




Hi @Alexandre.Augusto, thanks for the note! 

This is actually for a customer, but they confirmed they are not a recipient on the template. She shared the template with another user but is getting completion notifications even though she is not on the recipient list. This seems strange and shouldn't be happening, correct? 

Yes, @Gil.Parra, it shouldn’t be happening

Because when you create a template and simply shared with others, those others will use the template filling up the recipients names, however if she is using the template via PowerForm then she needs to change the owner (Sender) of the PowerForm, otherwise she will get the envelope in her account.

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