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I have an interactive login (username and password) and now an SSO login; both using the same email address.  When I sign a document, it lands in my interactive account after signing but I would like it to land in my SSO account going forward.

How do I make this happen?

Thanks for any advice.

PS: I have read the other threads that talk about the fact that I can’t merge the accounts; I am just looking for them to land in the SSO account going forward.

Hi @AJS !

There are many criteria to establish in what account the recipient will receive an envelope - considering that this recipient has multiple accounts with the same email - including account hosted servers, prioritized oldest account and, even the exact combination of Name + Email.


If you want to receive all envelopes in your account with SSO, my suggestion (if possible) would be to only keep it with the current email address, that is, change your "interactive login" account to another email address. So, you’ll definitely guarantee that all envelopes received will go to your account with SSO.

However, if this is not possible, there are other ways to prevent this, such as changing the Name+Email combination. For a simple example, you can rename the account with “interactive login” to a name that no one will send envelopes to you. By doing this, DocuSign will look for an account with the correct Email+Name combination and route this envelope.


Let me know if this works for you!



Hi @AJS,


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Best regards,   

Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator   

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