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Setting the correct user to display in the history.

  • 12 August 2024
  • 9 replies

Hi all,

I have a helpdesk email set up for all sent envelopes so the consultants are not responded back to on their direct email. I have just noticed that when a consultant corrects an envelope, the history does not say who it was that corrected it. Instead it says the user who corrected the envelope was the helpdesk.

Is there a way to fix this to show in the history the specific consultant who corrected the envelope, rather than assuming it is the user who first sent the envelope?

The issue this may cause is if a user may go into an envelope that someone else sent, then corrects something they shouldn’t have, and we have no way to trace this correction back to that person.

Thank you,



This is exactly the reason, why the Docusign accounts should be personal accounts and not a shared account. In the history it will show the logged in user account and it is not assuming it was the sender.

You may want to look into setting up “Shared Access” to the envelopes. In addition, you may want to look into setting up a custody transfer rule, so the users can work entirely from their personal Docusign account, but the envelopes are send from a shared mailbox like helpdesk to the recipients.


Thankfully we worked through that with a DocuSign onboarding consultant. Currently we have our system set up with personal accounts, however each document sent by them appears as our main support email. This way they can log in with their credentials and each document sent will have their name as the primary sender.

My issue is that the custody transfer of the support email does not allow the personal accounts to make any corrections.

Each user has shared access to the support email, so they have to switch to the support email (via shared access under “Agreements”) before they are allowed to correct any envelopes. This means any correction appears as “Support” in the history and not the user who is correcting the envelope.

Hi @David.Z,

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Best regards,

Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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Hi @Christopher.Alpizar,

Thank you for checking in, unfortunately the message does not address the situation. The question I have is:

Each user sends envelopes from their own personal DocuSign account and is sent on behalf of the group support email. Each user also has shared access to the group support email, so they have to switch to the support email (via shared access under “Agreements”) before they are allowed to correct any envelopes. This means any correction appears as “Support” in the history and not the user who is correcting the envelope.

What setting/access do I need to change so that when a user corrects an envelope, the history will display their name instead of the group support email?

Hi @David.Z,

I hope you are doing well. I apologize for any inconvenience this might cause you, would it be possible for you to provide an envelope ID for one of the envelopes that is having this behavior?


Best regards,

Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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Thank you for your prompt reply, below are 2 envelope ID’s for you to view:

I only just noticed that this envelope shows the action was “acted on behalf of” the group email. This is great because it shows who changed the status of the envelope, and exactly what I’m hoping to display on the history.

This is an example where the envelope was voided but does not show who voided it.

Is there anything I can do to avoid this from happening in the future? Not allowing users to correct and void envelopes from the group account

Thank you,

Hi @David.Z,

Thank you for the information, is it mandatory for you to have the envelope custody transferred when the envelope is send? or is it possible to transfer the custody when the envelopes is completed?


Best regards,

Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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Hi @Christopher.Alpizar

Not mandatory, the only reason for the custody transfer is so the user’s email isn’t displayed for the customer to contact. As long as on the envelope our support email is the only contact email then it doesn’t matter what we do. This is so the customers replies can be monitored and not lost in anyone’s inboxes.


Hi @David.Z,

Thank you for the information, to review your available options, can you provide the Docusign plan that you have? Is the email that you used to create this community user linked to your Docusign account?

Because  Branding can hide the name/email that is listed in the body of the email itself, but Branding cannot change the name/email that is used as the Reply-To on the email itself. For that, the Custom Email Domain feature is required. Brands, Customize Docusign Notification Emails for Accounts With Custom Email Domains

Note: Some advanced features and options are supported only in specific Docusign plans. Your account plan might not support some of the options discussed in this help topic. Contact your account administrator for more information about which options are available for your account. Or, visit our Plans and Pricing web page for more details on the features included with your plan. Compare eSignature plans & pricing.

Best regards,

Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue.
