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I have paid to send 5 envelopes a month, does anyone know whether the DocuSign months are from the 1st of the month until the end, or from the date you paid from i.e. the 12th?

Also, if I upgrade, are the previous plan costs taken into consideration, or is it as if I am a brand new client?

Any support would be most grateful.

Many thanks 

Rob Tolley


Hello, @Tolley 


Welcome to the DocuSign Community!


The 5 envelopes by month works like this: 

  • Every 30 days from the start date of the contract will be the day when new 5 envelopes will be available.
    For example: let’s suppose you started your contract on March, 5th, counting 30 days from there so on April, 5th you will get more 5 envelopes. Every 5th day of each month you’ll get more 5 envelopes.
    By the way, the envelopes are not cumulative so if you didn’t use all five, any envelope remaining will not be transferred to the next month. 

You can see more details in this article about upgrading an account plan.


I hope that helps!


Thanks Alexandre, you’re a star, very much appreciated

Hi @Tolley,


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Best regards,


Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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