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Hello. I receive documents from my team on Thursdays and Friday. For some strange reason I'm not receiving random emails from DocuSign on random days and at random times. Typically, at 1am through 3am in the morning. Any advice. Thank you for your time!

Hello @sstephens,

Thank you for reaching out here, we want to welcome you to the Docusign Community, I appreciate you bringing your question to this Community.

I apologize for any inconvenience this might cause you, to better assist you, can you provide more information?

Are you referring that you only receive the email notification on those days? or are you referring that you are getting them at any time any day? or are you referring that you stopped receiving the notification on random days?

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Let us know if you need further assistance.


Best regards,

Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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Hi Christopher,

Thank you for responding.

I normally receive the packets every two weeks on a Thursday and every week on a Friday to review payroll submissions. My People Team members send the packets to me, then once I review it goes to the Payroll Team.

For the last 3 months I’m receiving them at random times, however my team is not submitting anything to me. I also checked with the Payroll Team, and they are not receiving these random emails. 

Below is a print screen of the random emails that always appear in the early morning hours.

Thank you again. 




Hello @sstephens,

Thank you for reaching back, to confirm based on the screenshot, all the notifications you receive at random hours are for reminders/void/expiration envelopes correct?

Let us know if you need further assistance.


Best regards,

Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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Hi Chris,

To be honest I do not open them. If I were to it would generate the opening of the Payroll packet and the team may think we are making a change.

At all times, the reference date for the Payroll packet is in the past. That tells me that there is a glitch somewhere. See below and above - 5/19/2024 for example.

This same reference date continues to show up with other repeated date. 


Thank you!


Hi Chris,


I tried to send you two emails this morning, but they are not appearing in the trail. Are you receiving them?





It’s seems to be working now.


Per the print screen above and in my first email, these emails are all tied to Payroll Packets that occurred in the past. And they are repeatedly being send - the dates are repeated. 

To answer your question, I do not know why/what the emails are being sent. I choice not to open them, since it will tell Payroll that a change to the payroll packet is needed. That is not the case, so I just file it away. 



Hello @sstephens,

Thank you for reaching back, those notifications are for envelopes that are not completed yet, in this case I recommend getting in contact with your payroll team and confirming with them the current status of the envelopes, perhaps your part is completed but that does not mean that the envelope is fully completed, in regards of receiving these notifications early in the morning is because the system sends them at those hours by design.

Let us know if you need further assistance.


Best regards,

Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue.

Sounds great Chris.

I appreciate your time!



Hello @sstephens,

Glad that I was able to assist you, let us know if you need further assistance.


Best regards,

Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue.
