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I had a real estate contract signed by a seller last week, and was getting to it today to sign it on the buyers said, and it now says the link is expired for security reasons, and it’ll resend it, but my email is not receiving another email from them. What should I do? I need to get this signed on my part.

@Jvstuz If you have a DocuSign account that uses the same email address as the envelope then the envelope should be present to take action under Agreements > Inbox.  Otherwise check you Junk and Spam and also any type of settings that may block the inbound email notification and retry the old notification.  Last, contact the Sender and have then select “Resend” on the envelope.

Here is some backround on expiring links. It should send you a new one automatically if topic of the article is the reason your link expiring. Did you see a screen like this when attempting to sign?


Hi @Jvstuz,


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Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator   

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