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Hi! I was trying to complet the last step in signing the contract and I I needed to confirm my identity. I choose to do it via Bank ID, but the problem is that in my contact it’s my full name including middle name, in my Bank ID I only have my first and last name. And because of that I can’t confirm my identity because it’s different from my contract. How should I do?

Hello @Norakemi ,

Welcome to the Docusign Community and thank you for posting your concerns!

There is only 2 options:

  • Contact the sender of the envelope and request them to change the document to match you ID.
  • Or change the ID to one that matches the name in the envelope.

I recommend you contact the Sender.

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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