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I’ve seen this asked a few times and none of the answers address the problem I’m having. I’ve added a checkbox group to my Powerform, I’ve made the validation “Select at least 1” but the final document does not show any of the selections…


The Template setup...


...and on a form the user is completing...


...but on the finished product (why no chorkboxes?)…


@RobertFewinsKalb - The Document you uploaded for your template, is it a PDF with form fields already embedded on the document?   It looks like you are doing all the right things.   Not sure about the last screenshot and the green fields.   Not consistent with what it would look on a completed envelope. 

  1. Checkbox Configuration: Double-check the configuration of your checkboxes in the template used for the PowerForm. Make sure that each checkbox is properly linked to a unique data field. Sometimes, if multiple checkboxes are incorrectly configured to share the same data field, it could cause issues with displaying selected values.

  2. Data Tagging: Ensure that the data tags associated with the checkboxes are correctly placed and named in the document. The tags need to match the field names specified in the PowerForm settings to capture user inputs correctly. 

  3. Testing in different documents and environment: Test in different places to maybe pinpoint that there is some underlying custom HTML elements disrupting the issue.

@JohnSantos - correct those blue rectangles were on the form prior to importing.

@RobertFewinsKalb - I recommend you upload or replace this form on your envelope or template without including those blue rectangles on the form.   If you have access to Adobe Writer, can modify the form and delete them.  

@JohnSantos  that was it! Thank you!
