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Hi Doc-u-sign Community 

I need help, my company had a brand change and we chnaged emails mid doc-u- sign contract that was sent out. We updated all emails and log in and my client keeps getting reminders to sign a doc-u-sign that was through our old account. We can not log into that account anymore to cancell the reminders and she keeps getting the reminders to her email. any help appreciated. 

@James D 

Did you create a new Docusign account to achieve this and closed the old one? How would you access any in-flight envelopes that get completed after the new account has been created?

It would not have been necessary at all and the best practise would have been to update the brand in the account and the user email addresses. In case you are using SSO and update the email addresses in the Identity Provider it would have even updated the emails automatically when the next time the user logs in.

Hello @James D ,

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Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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