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unable to add a new user, our plan we are on should be up to 50 users. currently no button to be able to add any new users. have tried al of the following with no change

Please follow the troubleshooting steps.

1. Clear cache/cookies

2. Try a different browser(s)

3. Incognito, go to

4. Different device

5. Different Internet networks such as on a mobile device using data with Wi-Fi disabled.


You only purchased a single user subscription (one seat). Therefore, you cannot add additional users. The Docusign plan support up to 50 users, which means you can purchase 49 additional seats and then assign additional users after you have increased your user subscriptions.

You already posted this question in a different thread and I just answered it there as well:


Hello @PTP ,

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Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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