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Mid-May 2024, I created a template for my company. While creating this template, I was pleasantly surprised by a new template editor! There were features that were _huge_ improvements:

  1. It allowed me to dynamically edit and format the text. (The source was an imported Word doc).
  2. It gave me a new type of field. It was a field that modified the document prior to sending for signing. For my use-case, it gave me the ability to add points to an attached schedule prior to sending. Once a template was created, the experience flowed as follows:
    • “Use template” (as normal)
    • Assign the names and emails to who it’s getting sent to (as normal)
    • Edit the dynamic fields defined in the template. In my case it was adding content to a “Schedule A” page in the document. (← This was the feature the new template system allowed!)
    • Send to sign (as normal)

So in mid-may I created a template with this new improved system, and we actually used the template. It was a great experience because we were able to more meaningfully modify a contract prior to signing in a way that templates didn’t allow in the past.

Fast forward a few months later (July 2024), I go to use that template and it’s broken and unusable. Where the aforementioned dynamic fields used to be, there is some text in curly brackets (what looks to be JSON formatted text) that is no longer dynamic.

I contacted support and they’re adamant this functionality doesn’t and never has existed. I cannot accept that answer because it’s simply not true. I with 100% certainty used a different template editor in the browser and it is no longer available to me. I even remember being able to convert to the old template system.

My theory is that I was accidentally granted access to a beta, or maybe A/B testing. There were some flaws that felt like it wasn’t fully featured yet, but it was still a vast improvement to what I have access to now. More importantly, the templates I successfully set up under this new template creator no longer work and are broken.

So if I were to turn this into a more specific ask it’s this:

  • I need to validate my sanity. Customer support is adamant this doesn’t exist but I used it!
  • Can I get access again so that my templates are no longer broken?
  • Could this be some plugin or extension that I was unwittingly using within Docusign?

Please somebody help me demystify this situation.


You are probably referring to the new Docusign Agreement template builder for document generation, which is on the official roadmap and soon to be released. Not sure how you got early access, but everything you explained makes sense to me. I was not able to quickly determine in which release the new template builder will be officially released and in which Docusign plans it will be included. I assume that you need to have document generation licensed, which is an add-on to Docusign eSignature.


You are probably referring to the new Docusign Agreement template builder for document generation, which is on the official roadmap and soon to be released. Not sure how you got early access, but everything you explained makes sense to me. I was not able to quickly determine in which release the new template builder will be officially released and in which Docusign plans it will be included. I assume that you need to have document generation licensed, which is an add-on to Docusign eSignature.

Yay, some validation that I’m not going crazy! I appreciate your response.

This is very helpful to give me context, and have passed this info along to my support request. So now I have templates that I spent a lot of time making that are broken -- do you have any advice on how to rectify this situation so I can continue using them?

Thanks in advance.


Unfortunately, you need to wait until the new feature is actually available. I assume you talk about the demo environment?

If you will be able to use it in production after it’s available will depend if it is included in your Docusign plan.

Hi @Gravelle,


I hope you are doing well.


I would like to confirm if you were able to solve your issue by utilizing the solution that was suggested? 


If so, please mark it as the best answer by clicking “Select as Best” to make it easier for other users to find.


Otherwise, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,   

Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator   

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!   


Are there any updates on the release of this update? I was also working in documents setting up a new process for my company and discovered today this function has been removed.

@alawson04 @Gravelle 

The new Agreement Template Builder (ATB) is included in the Docusign FY25 R2 Release and scheduled to be available end of September 2024.
