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is it possible to have 100 docs or more and get each of them signed by the same person, lets say a Manager, and once the docs are signed, each of the signed docs get sent to a different employee in the company, but without the other recipients knowing who got a copy. And additionally split the documents so that each recipient only get one of these files(their assigned file), which would be defined in an Excel sheet.

The docs are all the same, with small differences, like a serial letter from Word. I have an Excel with Email address of the recipient and the name of their signed file.

So one person signs 100 docs. And then 100 people get an Email with their sign document, no other docs, and are not able to see other recipients.

Thanks in advance 

Hello, @Ute 


You are welcome to the Docusign Community!


Sure, you can do that!


It’s possible using the Bulk Send option.


Basically, you need to create a .CSV file with the signers (recipients), in your case the first recipient (first column in the .CSV file) would be that Manager, in the second column (who will receive a copy). Each line in the .CSV represents an envelope so each recipient will only see and get what belongs to him/her.


Watch this video to learn how to use the Bulk Send solution:


Let me know if I answered your question, if so, I’d appreciate your Like here, thanks.




Hello, @Alexandre.Augusto

Thank you.

Ahh ok, as the Bulk send option is Premium, i can’t access it to try it out, but it looks correct. 

