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I am using DocuSign eSignature on my university’s paid plan.

I am trying to implement conditional routing.

I create an envelope, set signing order, add first recipient that needs to sign document

When I am I proceed to “Add Routing Group” from under “Add Recipient” that dropdown option is not present. The only dropdown option under “Add Recipient” is “Add from Contacts”.

What could be causing this? I am using default settings and the only thing I can think off is that my uni’s plan does not include routing groups.


The DocuSign plan your university is on may not include Conditional Routing or it may be included, but was not activated by the DocuSign Administrator in the Settings. It is probably best to reach out to your DocuSign Admin and ask them, if it is available and if they may enable it for everyone.

This DocuSign Support article may be helpful to have the conversation with them on Conditional Routing.

Thank you. That indeed seems to be the case. Thank you for taking time to respond to this question for for providing the correct terminology. This is really helpful, I really appreciate it.

Hi @AdamsCalypso,


I hope you are doing well.


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Best regards,   

Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator   

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