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i am trying to merge a custom template and a base64 encoded pdf into one and send for signing. my current request body looks like tghis 


  "emailSubject": "Please sign this document",

  "compositeTemplates": p


      "compositeTemplateId": "1",

      "serverTemplates": Â


          "sequence": "1",

          "templateId": "" 



      "inlineTemplates": <


          "sequence": "2",

          "recipients": {

            "signers": Â


                "email": "",

                "name": "M",

                "recipientId": "1",

                "routingOrder": "1",

                "roleName": "Signer",

                "tabs": {

                  "textTabs": Â


                      "tabLabel": "Agent1",

                      "value": "kaala1"



                      "tabLabel": "agent2",

                      "value": "kaala2"



                      "tabLabel": "agent3",

                      "value": "kaala3"



                      "tabLabel": "agent_npn",

                      "value": "1234567"



                  "signHereTabs": l


                      "tabLabel": "Signature",

                      "anchorString": "/sig/",

                      "anchorXOffset": "0",

                      "anchorYOffset": "0",

                      "required": true,

                      "width": "200",

                      "height": "50"





                      "tabLabel": "Date Signed",

                      "anchorString": "/date/",

                      "anchorXOffset": "0",

                      "anchorYOffset": "0",

                      "required": true









      "documents": Â


          "documentId": "1",

          "documentBase64": "", 

          "name": "Custom PDF Document",

          "fileExtension": "pdf"



      "mergeProperties": true,

      "mergePdf": true 



  "status": "sent"



i tried other ways but i either get the custom pdf or the template, there was one scenerio where i got both of them but as 2 seperate pdfs

Hi @mourjya,

I hope you are doing well.

I want to confirm if you need further assistance, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.

Are you using an integration?


Best regards,

 Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue.
