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On a form template, I have a social security and/or TIN field. How can I make sure that at least one of the text boxes is required to be filled out?

Hello, @VelidaJacaj 


Welcome to the Docusign Community!


When you add a text field in your document it’s possible to configure if it is required or not. Select the Text field in your document then a Properties panel on the right will show up, select the option Required (that is the default set). So, your signer is required to fill out that field. Adding a Text field permits to you also use the Validation property for SSN for example, dates, and other validations. On this way, your signer must enter information in a valid format.


I hope that helps!


@VelidaJacaj - You can also configure the fields to use Conditional Logic so when information is added to one of the fields the other field is not required anymore. That and combination of required fields and field validation will insure you get the information you need.  

Hello @VelidaJacaj ,

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