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Does anyone know if it is possible to create a user profile type that would be restricted to sending certain templated document types set by the administrator?


For example:

Setting a sales profile where they can only send templated order forms


Or any other way to restrict a profile from sending any random documents without them having been reviewed?


Additionally, is there a way to ensure that a certain email remains on receives a copy for every document send from a certain profile type?


For Example:

The above sales profile shouldn’t be able to remove legal from cc on any documents sent


You can restrict the whole account to only be allowed to use templates, but it is not possible to restrict this on a group level at this point in time.

You can add a role to the template and under “Advanced Settings” configure that the recipient cannot be edited or removed by the sender. That way you can achieve that the legal team will always be copied as the sender is not able to delete or change the recipient.

See this DocuSign Support Article on how to set this up.

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Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator   

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