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When we navigate to the Legal Disclosures page in Settings, the Create Custom button is there in the upper right momentarily, then it disappears.  


How can we have this button enabled?

Hi Christopher.Hood!
I cannot affirm what is happening in your account, because this Create Custom button should be there, unless if you (or another admin) clicked on it to Custom Disclosure. By clicking there, there is a message saying “If you choose to create a Custom Disclosure you WILL NOT be able to return to the Default Disclosure form.” (see below)


If you did not clicked on this button, I would ask you to try to change the platform language temporary, and change again to English one. If you can see the Sample Default Legal Disclosure (currently available in English only) you should see this option. However, if you just see the custom disclosure, it means someone customize it.



Thank you Vini !

I am inferring from your response that we cannot have multiple custom disclosures.  That makes sense to me technically because I think if that were possible, that would require the ability to configure when the different disclosures should be used which could get complicated.  

We determined that we should not need that scenario also.

Appreciate your input sir!

Thank you Vini !

I am inferring from your response that we cannot have multiple custom disclosures.  That makes sense to me technically because I think if that were possible, that would require the ability to configure when the different disclosures should be used which could get complicated.  

We determined that we should not need that scenario also.

Appreciate your input sir!

Hi @Christopher.Hood !
I'm glad you were able to determine that! It's really only possible to have one Legal Disclosure per account - but you can translate it into different languages if you want.

Hi @Christopher.Hood,


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Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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