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Regarding Knowledge Based Authentication, does the recipient have to answer all the questions correctly to pass or is it a certain percentage of the questions?

Hi Paula - By default, it's a certain percentage.  I believe the following is still accurate for KBA:

DocuSign Default Question Sets:

  • 6 questions total
  • 2 or more incorrect = fail
  • 4, 5, or 6 correct = pass
  • Only 3 correct requires a second question set of 3 questions, where 2 or 3 correct passes and any less fail.

Hope that helps?  

Thanks for the great question! 

Thank you!

Revisiting this, does anyone know how to adjust this? We want to re-configure the settings, but I cannot locate how/where to do this

Hi @Nick Hodge​ : I suggest reaching out to your Account Manager. He/She can help you get started making the necessary adjustments for the KBA set-up. Happy to look up your AM if you don't know who he/she is if you can let me know what company you work for, please. 😊 Happy to do so over email if you prefer: Thanks!
