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Hi there, 


I am reaching out for some insight on a new issue that I have not had historically and can't figure out how to remedy. 


I am a real estate transaction coordinator with a paid account working with a few separate brokerages and have had no issue all day sending and receiving docusign packets with the exception of all of my agents at Coldwell Banker. Every DocuSign packet I sent today to any bounces back with the error below:


The destination email system provided this error message:smtp; 550 Administrative prohibition - envelope blocked - 9C3Z4YddDNfOloZgZZoN3Og.usb30]"


Ive cleared my cache, rebooted my PC, tried sending from my phone as well as sending to parties individually with no luck. Screenshot of my DocuSign error view as well:






Can you please help?


Thank you!!


Any help getting connected to DocuSign admin to assist with this error is greatly appreciated (email removed due to personal information)


@TCWENDY - The error message "smtp; 550 Administrative prohibition - envelope blocked" indicates that the email server of Coldwell Banker ( is blocking the emails being sent from DocuSign. This is typically an issue on the recipient's end, where their email server is rejecting the emails due to security policies or spam filtering rules.

You might need to reach out to someone on the IT department or email administrator at Coldwell Banker and inform them about the issue. Provide them with the exact error message you're receiving. They may need to whitelist DocuSign's email domain or IP addresses to allow the emails to pass through.

@JohnSantos Thanks so much for your response. I had a suspicion that CB might be the source since I sent test packets to myself and other  brokerage emails. I will alert their admin and greatly appreciate your insight and quick response. 






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Best regards,


Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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@Christopher.Alpizar Hi! Yes - I relayed this information to the brokerage admin and the issue was resolved



I hope you are doing well.


I am glad to hear, thanks for the confirmation.


Best regards,


Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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