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Hello all:

During our busy season (about 4 months) I send out 20-30 envelopes for signature a day. As these are returned, I need to print out the signature page and send it along for the next step. Usually I drag the returned envelope to a folder (Printed) so I can easily see which envelopes I’ve printed and which still need to be done.

Is there any way to sort in he “completed” tab so that the envelopes which are NOT printed (ie not in the ‘printed’ folder) are at the top? I’m afraid I’m going to miss something. I do receive e-mail notifications, but - when I get 20-30 at a time, it’s not easy to keep track. It would be much simpler if I could sort the envelopes in the “completed” tab.

If this is not something DocuSign is capable of - is there a report which allows you to sort by folder? I didn’t see anything when I looked.

Thank you,



Hi @mr1


Thank you for reaching out here in the Docusign Community.  


 I understand that you are looking to sort tour envelopes by folder, and  I will clarify the topic for you. Envelopes are sorted by Last Change by default, there is no way to work around it with the application's current design, and there is no Folder column available in our existing reports either.


Nevertheless, feedback that can improve our users’ experience is always welcome. I encourage you to consider submitting your idea to be reviewed by our development team for possible implementation. If you’re a Docusign Administrator for a corporate plan, you have the additional option of filing your request through a support case, or by reaching out to your Account Team. We invite you to share your product suggestions and feature requests on our dedicated ideas page (, where we can collaborate to shape the future of our product together.


Feel free to let us know if you need further assistance with this. 


Thank you for using Docusign, we hope you have a wonderful rest of your day! 


Best regards,  

Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator  


"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!  




Hi Alejandro :


Thanks for the answer - even if it’s not the one I wanted to hear…

I can see there is a triangle next to “last change” but it seems to be cosmetic, as it does nothing. I’ve seen some other posts mentioning that issue and that the problem is being worked on.

I will send a message to ‘feedback’ and hope someone can implement a solution.

thanks again



Hi mr1


I have been pushing DocuSign to add this function for years now.  Seems like such an easy, no-brainer enhancement.

My situation is a bit simpler than yours in that I simply want to be able to sign the oldest documents first.  Just seems so reasonable and I’m sure many others would like this functionality as well. 

I’m going to submit additional feedback on this matter.  Good luck!

Hi @RJW65,


Thank you for sharing your experience.


I agree that this enhancement to eSignature’s layout would make envelope management a lot easier.


Our engineering team will gladly assess the possibility of including this option in future updates to the web app.


Please share your thoughts with us through the email address shared above, or by opening a support case (if you are an administrator in a corporate account).


Best regards,


Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator  


Please click "Best Answer" below if you find my reply to be a valid solution to your issue!



Hi RJW65:

I know! Simple sorting should be built in. All the categories in the tabs (completed and waiting) should support sorting. There are times when sorting by date (as opposed to running a search based on date) would be really useful.

Sadly, I’m sending things out for signing - and they don’t always come back chronologically. As soon as I’ve gotten them logged, I stick them in a “folder” so I know they’re done. But I live in fear I’m going to miss something because I don’t see older ‘completed’ envelopes unless I do a search, and I can’t search unless I know what I’m looking for… 

I hope the changes being made continue and incorporate stuff people need (rather than the cosmetic changes which are less useful).

Sorry for the rant!

I’ve already sent a suggestion to the development team. For now I will live in hope :-)

