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I tried to log in. Put in the verification code they email me. Im getting an app request error

We’re experiencing the same issue companywide. No one is able to log in.

We are having the same issue. 

We had the same error but are back online now.



I hope you all are doing well.


There was an outage that affected our services, are you still experiencing the same behavior?


Customers intermittently experiencing issues utilizing DocuSign services in Multiple Environments (IM-39537)


Due to a bug in a third-party tool used for feature management, an API version mismatch resulted in certain DocuSign features becoming unavailable for a subset of customers. The incident has been resolved. Outage duration and incident timelines are subject to revision pending the results of any related investigation.


Some customers in NA may experience issues with identity verification (IM-39536)



This incident has been resolved.


Let us know if you need further assistance with this, I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,


Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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