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We are sending estimates to clients and there are options where the customer will initial to accept or decline an option. We added two initial labels and made them not required but we can have customers sign both if they are confused.


TLDR; Is there a way to set up the initial field like a radio button? 

Hello @JIsenhour,

This potentially may require to update the design of your estimate. The DocuSign initial tag by itself does not allow a method to sign one OR the other.

However, you can setup conditional logic and when a rule is met it will display a required initial, but be suppressed when the rule is not satisfied.

For example, you could include a dropdown with options of “Yes” or “No”. Then open the properties of this dropdown and create a rule to display the required initial when the value = “Yes”.

A rule can be triggered based on the following field types:

  • Checkbox
  • Radio button
  • Dropdown
  • Text

Hello @JIsenhour ,

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Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator
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