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Formula requestFor example - I need a 3 year residence history. I have a set of fields for address and field for number of years residing there. If they put any integer below 3 in the years residing (number)field, I will have the next set of fields for an additional address become required. I would like a formula to calculate the number fields and recognize when the sum is 3 or greater and allow the signer to move on. 


Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.

I apologize for the inconvenience, I understand that you want to run a formula that would block out unnecessary fields based on numerical values entered by the signer.

This is a bit tricky, you will need to have 2 number fields, one for the signer to fill, the other you will need to make read-only with the font color set to white and with the value set as 3, the data label is up to you to name it, the formula field will mimic the formatting of the second number field, this means the font color will be white, the formula that you will need to use is the greater or equal than (>=) meaning that [field number 1] >= [field number 2].

You can place the fields with the white font color anywhere that you deem fit, after that, if the number is equal or greater than 3 the formula field will display the number 1 if it is less it will show a 0 as the value.

After you set the formula field you will need to set a conditional field, which in your case you will need to remove the fields if it is 3 or greater, you will need to set be trigger by a specific text, this trigger will be 0, so as long as that formula result is 0 the other field will be showing on the document.

 If you like you can provide as an attachment a demo of the part of the document that you are working with and I will do my best to provide an example.

More information at Collaborative FieldsAdd a formula field to a documentEdit Field Properties.

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Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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I have done this exactly as listed. I am still not getting any response from the formula, and not getting the result I am after. The formula is set as [signers field]>=[white field] and the logic is set to show the necessary field when the result is "0". Still nothing. I have tried several differences in the formula as well with no progress.


Thank you for the information, in this situation, I recommend opening a case with DocuSign Support so you can get hands-on assistance with this. So the support agent in a screen sharing can guide you or determine the cause for it not to be working, you can request a callback to expedite the resolution.

If feasible, you can provide a blank PDF of this section so I can work with it.

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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