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I have signed but the ‘Continue’ button takes me to this message: 

“You haven't quite finished
You haven't yet signed your agreement. We'll remind you again later.”

Then it suggests I press the “Review’ button again in the initial email, which I do. This takes me back in and clearly shows my signature and date in the form. There are no active flags to be able to re-sign. The form is complete. I press Continue again and get the same message. 

This happened after the initial Signature which I customised to my own signature. Then it said I could check the document in Docusign. I clicked on that intending to print the form,  which took me to the Docusign login. I logged in with password and code which brought up some weird stuff which looked like it was for the sender rather than the recipient, but no form for me to review. I logged out of Docusign thinking I would try to print from the email instead. 

Then got the ‘You haven’t finished’ message. 

EDIT: My partner just messaged me to say he also got a document and he signed and completed it. 

Is Docusign safe? The document required both our signatures. He signed for both of us. The form I received had both our names but only one flag on my name for signing. This seems really open to financial abuse. Has Docusign accepted his signature for both of us? I still don’t know whether I am supposed to sign separately which isn’t working, or whether Docusign has accepted his signature for both of us. 

Hello @KayL 

I understand the issue but here are two things that you can check and trouble shoot .

1. See that all the required fields are complete. There could be a reason that required fields are incomplete and if you signed the document then “Finish” button should appear not the continue.

2. Try to change the signature and adopt the new one.

LMK if you need further help and if you got the answer or resolution, please feel free share with the wider audience.


Hi @KayL,


I hope you are doing well.


I would like to confirm if you were able to solve your issue by utilizing the solution that was suggested? 


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Otherwise, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,   

Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator   

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