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I created a travel form with multiple approvers. I need the final approver to make changes if applicable before completing the Docusign. The form contains multiple places for a traveler to add dollar amounts to the form. We would like to have the ability to edit if necessary.

We pay meals at $41.25 for the first and last day of travel and $55 for the in between day(s) ie. if we have someone traveling 3 days they would get $82.50(2days)+$55(1day) for a total of $137.50. I need the formula to see the Departure date and return date as one apiece to come up with a total of 2.


Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.

I understand you would like the last recipient in your Powerform to make changes to the form, however, to better understand your question, can you clarify some information?

Are the fields that the last recipient needs to modify belong to another user? If yes, would it be the first signer's fields?

I also understand you need to create a formula field where the departure date and the return day provide a total of 2.

Would this only apply if they stay a total of 3 days? If yes, then you can use the Date Difference function, what that would do is take the information from the Arrival date (which should be a text field with a date validation) and the Departure date (which should also be a text field with a date validation) and provide the difference in days:

For more information on text field validations:

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

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Yes, it would be the first signer's fields and the return.

The traveler has to complete two portions on the form. First the traveler types in the expected expenses on the first part of the form. Once the traveler returns the traveler completes the actual expenses on another part of the form. It's those numbers that are placed on the form that I would like our purchasing department person to have the ability to correct, if possible before the form is completed.

The question about the date is that we do have times when there are two days or more for example. If we have a person that travels and spends the night I need the formula to read departure date + return date = 2 because the traveler is eligible to receive our first and last date of meals at $41.25 per day.

The second part of the formula is easier because I have DateDiff( [ReturnDate] , [DepartDate] ) - 2. Meaning I want the return date to subtract 1 day from the total. For example, if traveling for 4 days the total compensation for meals will be $192.50. (Return date) 7.29.2023 - (Departure date) 7.26.2023. So in this case the meals would be first day = $41.25, 2nd day $55, 3rd day $55, and Return date $41.25 for a total of $192.50. The formula I listed above removes 2 days from the total days because the 2 days in this case are at the $41.25 rate and two days would be at $55.


Thank you for reaching back.

Thank you for clarifying. In that case yes, it is possible, if the changes don't require the approval of other signers by using collaborative fields, if it does require initials, then you would need to set the Powerform to require email validation:

Apologies for the questions, however, I am trying to understand your use case so that I can provide an accurate answer.

So, regardless of the number of days the client is going to stay, the total should always be 2? Or are you trying to create a formula where it provides the amount they would need to pay depending on the dates selected?

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

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it's difficult to answer in an email. I will do my best.

The form is a travel and expense form various people must okay the travel before a requisition can be submitted in our ERP system. The what if's are addressed with a check box:

1, if travel is within our state only the traveler, the secretary, and their supervisor need to approve the form. If the traveler checks the flight box then the traveler signs another document, if the traveler checks the vehicle rental check box then it adds another form plus our benefits runs a check on the driver if they are eligible to drive a car rental or a company vehicle.

2, If the travel is outside our state, the traveler, secretary, supervisor, and the director of that department approve the travel. If the traveler checks the flight box then the traveler signs another document, if the traveler checks the vehicle rental check box then it adds another form plus our benefits runs a check on the driver if they are eligible to drive a car rental or a company vehicle.

3, If the travel goes outside the United States, the traveler, secretary, supervisor, director and our superintendent approve the travel. If the traveler checks the flight box then the traveler signs another document, if the traveler checks the vehicle rental check box then it adds another form plus our benefits runs a check on the driver if they are eligible to drive a car rental or a company vehicle.

I am looking to create a formula for the first and last day of travel. I would like the formula to return with the number 2 if both the departure date and return date are selected. Basically, if the departure or return date field contains a character that is => than zero, then each field will come back with a 1 in the formula.


Thank you for reaching back.

I understand the idea of several approvals, however, what I mean from the previous comment is that Powerforms are usually Direct (the signer clicks the link and goes into the document), by doing so the signer becomes an embedded signer which would not allow the envelope to return to them once the signer completes their action, one of the characteristics of the collaborative fields is that you can choose to have the previous signers initial the changes made to their fields by one of the approvals, but in this case, as the recipient is embedded they can not initial the form and it will remain stuck. If the Powerform has email validation (meaning the signer clicks the link but instead of being taken to the document, they get an email with a link to the document) all of the above can be possible.

Regarding the formula field, I have tried several ways to accomplish your request, however, the only way I was able to do so was by adding a text field (with number validation) and adding the number "1" to each one, after that, I created a conditional rule and liked the Return date to one of the text fields and the Departure date to the other(when creating the rule, make sure to select "Any text" in the top center from the settings icon):

Once I had those rules, I created the formula using the text box with the number 1 in them, I recommend you set those boxes to "Read-only".

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

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Close this case. I was able to create a formula that works.
