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I am attempting to login Docusign Demo Tool ( but getting Signing certificate is expired Error . Could anyone please help me on this?


Thank you for reaching out to the DocuSign Community.

The error message will indicate that your Demo account is set up with SSO and the Organization Admin did not update the certificate in time and therefore it expired.

The users won't be able to access the demo account until the certificate gets updated by the Admin, or another alternative will be to sign into the account using the email/password method (this can only be accomplished if the Organization Admin has enabled a different Login Policy for the Users).

If you are not an Organization Admin please reach out to them directly, if you are not sure who your admin is I will suggest you reach out to your internal IT, HR, or management team for more information.

However, if you are the Organization Admin (NOT eSignature Admin as they are different), and you do not have changed the Login Policy for your user profile you will need to contact Support directly.

You might find the following information useful:

DocuSign SSO Cert Renewal - Action Required

Change the Login Policy for a User

If you believe that you need further assistance, or require the assistance of a live agent, you can always create a Support Case to have a Support agent work with you.

If you are not able to open a  Customer Support case via the above link, you can scroll  down to More Support Options and select "I can't reset my password or don't have an account." you will have the option of filling out the form or calling Support.

Please click "Select as Best" below if you found the answer to be a valid solution to your issue. 

Thank you for using DocuSign, we hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!

Best regards,

Rebeca | DocuSign Community Moderator

Thank you very much for the response. Will check and get back to you if I face any blockers


I tried changing the login policy to the email/password method from Docusign Admin . But it works only for the normal Docusign ( and not for the Docusign Demo Tool ( . In Demo Tool, it directly , redirects to the Signing certificate error page . Could you please help on this?


Demo and Production are different environments, if you cannot access the Demo account then it will mean that you cannot access the Demo DocuSign Admin page to make any changes, you cannot control your demo account through your production settings, they are different.

As previously mentioned, if you are the Organization Admin, and you have not changed the Login Policy for your user profile you will need to contact Support directly.

If you believe that you need further assistance, or require the assistance of a live agent, you can always create a Support Case to have a Support agent work with you.

If you are not able to open a Customer Support case via the above link, you can scroll down to More Support Options and select "I can't reset my password or don't have an account." you will have the option of filling out the form or calling Support.

Please click "Select as Best" below if you found the answer to be a valid solution to your issue. 

Thank you for using DocuSign, we hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!

Best regards,

Rebeca | DocuSign Community Moderator
