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I cannot get the files I want to send in the Envelope  - how to get more files to show up on the option list.  They are in One Drive, but all of One Drive does not show up..any help here?


Don T.

I’ve had the same issue in the past, I didn’t find a way to fix it other than logging in One Drive, downloading the file on my computer and uploading it to DocuSign

Sofian Saoudi,
Solusign Consulting - DocuSign Partner
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I notice that it only shows “40” files from a directory/folder even though I have near “100” files in that folder.  I am wondering if this is what you are seeing as well?  The files go in order from reverse alphabetical (Z to A) from what I observe and I see no way to expand or reverse the order.  I think this is either a DocuSign limitation or a defect in the plugin/integration used.

This is strange as I can certainly see more than 40 files when I click on the upload button. Can you post a screenshot of what you are seeing?
