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We would like to provide our CEO with a cover page that outlines what he is about to sign along with the entire master service agreement. However we do not want the cover page visible to the counterparty signer at all. 

Is there a way to create an envelope that include both the cover letter and MSA package, but only have the counterparty signer see the agreement?

Thank you,

Andrew K.


If it is available to you, you can use a DocuSign feature called Document Visibility. 

Document Visibility is a feature that allows for the control of which documents within an envelope are visible to specific recipients. This feature is particularly useful when an envelope contains multiple documents, and you want certain recipients to view or interact with only specific documents rather than the entire set.

Here’s a basic overview of how Document Visibility works:

  1. Selective Viewing: Document Visibility lets you assign specific documents in an envelope to particular recipients. This means that only those recipients who are meant to see or sign certain documents will have access to them.

  2. Configuration: The feature is configured during the envelope setup process. You can select which documents each recipient will be able to view, download, or sign. This ensures that sensitive information is only accessible to the intended recipients.

  3. Recipient Experience: When recipients access the envelope, they will only see the documents that have been assigned to them. They won’t be aware of the presence of other documents within the envelope that they do not have access to.
