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On​e of my resources who signed had put multiple comments into the document before signing...... the signed version of the document does not show those comments. How can I get to the version of the document with the comments added? I have the comment emails sent by DocuSign but it won't take me to the "View" in those emails.

Two options....

1) Use the "View Completed Document" link sent with the completed email notification.

2) Print the "Comment History" from the envelope. When you select Print, if there are Comments you would see an additional checkbox for "Comment History" as seen in the attached screenshot. This is a separate file and the comments would not appear on the official document.


When I hit print, it asks if I want to Summarize Comments….. then it says there are none. I have about six or seven emails from DocuSign with comments noted. It’s like the comments were turned off and now not accessible?!?!? I have each comment from the emails I received…but not able to view within the document?

SVB Confidential

What about the "Download" option and select Comment History....what happens?

Download just asks if I want Combined or Separate PDF then gives me usual Open or Save options ….

SVB Confidential

So the options do not appear like the screenshot I added to my first post, where is shows an option to check "Comments History"? Are you sure this is the correct envelope?

No they don’t. It’s the Completed View Document link.

If I go to one of the original “Comment” email notifications and select View Document, then it asks if I want to Login or Send new link….. I selected Send new link and I get error messaging as below…………


SVB Confidential

Perhaps its only the Sender who has the option to download the Comments.....were you the Sender of that envelope with comments on it?

Yep! I was.

SVB Confidential

Well that doesn't make alot of sense then. If you can run this test (if you have unlimited envelopes), see what happens if you send yourself an envelope, add a comment, then complete that envelope (sign). Then check the options under Download as well as doing the "View Completed Envelope". The message you are getting and the fact you see no options to download the Comments seems like something is going wrong with that envelope. May require a DocuSign case to resolve.

Well, I ran test and am now able to get the list of the comments for the other “trouble” doc…. However, I still can’t see the comments within the document itself to know where each comment had been placed….ie. which section of the doc the comment related to. So, still not overly helpful.

SVB Confidential

I was digging around further and I see a link that actually opens the document with "Comments", I found it after opening the envelope in Manage (inbox or Sent etc) then locating the section at the bottom called "Comments" and there is a short sentence with a link under that saying "To view, add, or reply to comments, view the documents." The "view the documents" is a hyperlink that shows the document with Comments and you could take a screen capture and Print that but I did not see any option in DocuSign to print with Comments.
