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I have a template set-up but is there any way we can skip the process of having external folks do anything with the form? We're thinking of automatically exporting the folk’s data, then pre-upload their info to the form with all the information in it, bulk sign and send them out. How do we set this up? Do we have to have that bulk list ready to set up those automations?

I made the checkboxes have the data label Session Title and the Checkbox Values the following: Uniting Forces, Trends Driving the Residential Solar Market and How to Adapt, How the Global Solar Energy Market Will Use AI to Optimize for Demand, Strategic Growth: Leveraging Transferability and Other IRA Incentives for C&I Expansion, Powering the Future: A Fireside Chat on Innovation and Solar for All. Each Checkbox Value is tied with those. 



@jcriollo - You could simply the Checkbox Value (Option 1, Option 2, etc.) for simplicity, since the document will include the information.  Unless you to use it in your Data Value extraction.  

I use it for Data Value Extraction. The thought would be for me to include the session name under Role 1::Session Title in my Excel sheet and then for it to pre-populate (check-off the box) the one that’s tied to it. How can I make sure it does this? 

@jcriollo - I know what the issue is.   For check boxes, you have to add a “X” for the value you want.  But each value has its own column.   You might be better off to make them Radio fields. 

To prepopulate recipient fields with data, enter the data in the bulk list columns as follows:

  • Text or Note field: Enter the text.
  • Drop Down field: Enter a valid value from the field's specified list of options.
  • Checkbox field: Enter a capital "X".
  • Radio field: Enter a valid value from the list of radio button values.


I am not understanding. Do you want me to set up my CSV with an X like how it is below? I put in the radio levels as well and it is not showing up. There are going to be instances where I have to choose more than one. Should I still use the radio labels? 



@jcriollo - For checkboxes you would need to set up the CSV like on your image of the CSV about provided.  Since you changed it to Radio fields, you can just enter the value you want to be pre-selected.  Make you sure you download another sample of the CSV if you make changes to your template.

I think I got it! 

I have CSV set up like this. For the actual template, I put separate checkboxes and added in the Data Label and Checkbox Values that I want to pull. Is this correctly set-up?



@jcriollo - Yes, it looks correct.  Assuming you are using an updated version of the CSV file. Do send a small test envelope to validate the information is being pre-populated correctly.
