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how can i unvoid a document. I sent 3 documents and all of them had almost all signatures but the expiration date voided the document and I just need to print the document with the signatures that were already there.


Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.  

I am sorry to hear that your envelope has expired, but I will gladly share more details on the topic.

Once an envelope is voided it cannot be recovered.

In an effort to help you save as much effort as possible, I would suggest you look into copying the voided envelope.

This will allow you to keep all envelope configurations, but will not include any data entered in the fields.

For detailed steps on how to copy an envelope, see:

Copy Envelopes

Feel free to let us know if you need further assistance with this. 

Thank you for using DocuSign, we hope you have a wonderful rest of your day! 

Best regards, 

Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator 

"Select as Bestbelow if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue! 

DocuSign Developers: Must create a “detect if a user is ACTIVE” and while the user is in a document and about to sign.. NEVER void them out. Let the user finish and sign. At 6am today, my client was IN the actual document commenting in several dozen text only comment fields (a sizable amount of surveyed information). At 6am today, DocuSign voided the document WHILE the user was ACTUALLY typing.  EVERYTHING the user spent hours preparing, and entering, was forever lost. I just sent the user  another COPY extending their deadline, but literally everything they had been actively typing for hours and hours, in the comment field (a survey) are forever lost. Why VOID a document while the user is IN the document typing? Thanks in advance for considering and fixing this problem.
