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I’ve added and then deleted my Logo in Settings > Brands.  Now it’s WAY too big (resolution was too high, evidently) and I want to delete it (or replace it with a lower resolutions logo) but I can’t.  Can someone please help me figure out how to do this?

The problem is that my logo is showing up as ENORMOUS to the email viewer (why DocuSign can’t automatically reduce the size/resolution of a logo is beyond me, but for a different discussion).  The high-resolution logo is so large, that it’s nearly 4x the width of a 20” wide PC screen -- so the viewer can’t read it, and can’t see the link to the DocuSign document (which is about 2-3 screens to the “right” when it pops up via email.

I know I need to get rid of my logo, or replace it with a lower resolution logo.  But here’s where the madness begins.  I replaced my logos with lower-resolution logos, but that didn’t do anything -- the emails still have the massive logo.  So I deleted my logos from from Brands, but that didn’t work.  I even deleted my entire Brand, but STILL, when I send and email, and get a confirmation of signing, it STILL shows my gigantic logo.  DocuSign says it can take up to an hour for this change to update -- I’ve waited two days, and it still hasn’t gone away.

But I’m beginning to think the problem is elsewhere -- even though I deleted my logo in “Brands,” it still appears on my main page ( small, in the top-right, next to my sign-in initials. I think that’s another original high-resolution version that I uploaded (curiously, THIS one was made smaller by DocuSign).  So my logo is still “living” somewhere in DocuSign -- I think that’s the high-resolution one that somehow makes its way into some of the emails/confirmations that go out.  HOW DO I DELETE THIS LOGO?  It does NOT seem to be in “Brands” -- it seems to be somewhere else in my Profile, Preferences, or Settings.  I’ve looked EVERYWHERE, and I don’t see where it could be.

Does anyone have an idea of where this logo is buried?  How do I get rid of it?  How do I replace it?  I need to send out emails that people can actually read (that aren’t consumed by a massive logo that’s 4x the width of the screen).

Please help me find a way to delete this logo that appears in (  

Thank you!


How my HOME screen looks in the top-right


How OTHER screens look in the top-right (the logo is GONE)
My Brands (I only made one), and Logos have all been deleted two days ago)

So why is the logo STILL appearing on the “home page” and in emails that I and other recipients receive from DocuSign?  


Please help me get rid of my logo -- thank you!

@212andrew - You need to remove it from the Sending brand. 

Go to Edit Your Theme. And follow the Image Requirements. 

Thank you, John.

I tried that, and deleted all Brands (in both “Signing” and “Sending”), but it still didn’t work.

And my logo was still, curiously, showing up on my “home page.”

So the only “workaround” I could think of to delete it was to downgrade my account, temporarily, to from Business Pro to Personal.  That should purge all branding (I hope).

So far, it seems to be working.  I’m out of “sends” for the month (Personal only allows for 5, and I’ve done more than that already this month), but I was able to “resend” some documents to myself that I did not complete, as a bit of a test, and it seems my logo is FINALLY GONE.

So I’ll keep my account on Personal for a few days to let it clear out before, likely, upgrading it again.

If you have any other thoughts or comments, I’d be happy to hear them.

Thanks again for trying to help me -- I have an important DocuSign contract sent out, and I didn’t want the recipient (who hasn’t yet opened it) to be hassled by an nearly unreadable screen due to the gigantic logo.


I’m having this issue too. luckily, its for one of our Demo accounts, but it means we can’t demo functionality to new customers, also it seems to only be affecting certain templates, though and not all.


Thank you, John.

I tried that, and deleted all Brands (in both “Signing” and “Sending”), but it still didn’t work.

And my logo was still, curiously, showing up on my “home page.”

So the only “workaround” I could think of to delete it was to downgrade my account, temporarily, to from Business Pro to Personal.  That should purge all branding (I hope).

So far, it seems to be working.  I’m out of “sends” for the month (Personal only allows for 5, and I’ve done more than that already this month), but I was able to “resend” some documents to myself that I did not complete, as a bit of a test, and it seems my logo is FINALLY GONE.

So I’ll keep my account on Personal for a few days to let it clear out before, likely, upgrading it again.

If you have any other thoughts or comments, I’d be happy to hear them.

Thanks again for trying to help me -- I have an important DocuSign contract sent out, and I didn’t want the recipient (who hasn’t yet opened it) to be hassled by an nearly unreadable screen due to the gigantic logo.


@212andrew - I’m glad you were able to change it.  One thing I would recommend you do for testing purposes is to create a Demo account (Dev Account).  That way you don’t have to use envelopes that you paid for testing.   Docusign Developer Account

Thank you, John.

It seems I may have spoken too soon.  While the logo was removed from my account as of the date of my change, the envelopes I PREVIOUSLY sent out ALREADY had the gigantic logo in them.  As such, the envelopes I had already sent with the logo did NOT have the logo removed upon downgrading my account to remove the logo.  I suspect that the logo will only be removed for NEW envelopes I send out.  C’est la vie.

Thanks, too, for suggesting I try out a Docusign Developer Account -- I’ll likely give that a shot for future testing purposes (as I’m currently out of all “sends” with my purposely downgraded account, which I downgraded specifically to remove and resolve the aforementioned logo issue).

Best regards,


@212andrew - Yes, I should have mentioned that the changes on the brand would only apply to future envelopes.  I understand how frustrating this can be. Let’s see that this change can improve the situation for you in the future.

Hi @212andrew,


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