I'm Soyoun S. from Alois Ventures.
Our account had changed from Eunice to Miju.
And it's already changed to Miju's account, but I can't access it due to the below error.
Maybe it's a login security issue.
We already informed you that our person in charge will be changed. So your team changed our login email to Miju’s account, but email for verification code wasn’t changed.
The email address we can get the code is set as an Eunice's. We can't access Eunice's email because she already resigned. So I can't login and also can't toggle off the login security. Miju can access the ID, and can use the docusign, but she can’t change the email for the verification code.
So, could you please change the email address for verification code to t ] ?
We sent you an email on last Wednesday, but can’t get the answer.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Best regards,
(Email removed due to personal information)