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Hi DS Community,


Hope you are doing well. I’m Laura, IT Solution Analyst and DS Admin.


I am trying look for the volume in MBs of DocuSign documents that were sent out for an specific time period. Do you know who can I get this information? 

Thanks in advance for any help. 

@LauraMU I looked through a variety of Reports and found nothing to indicate that there is a Report output in the Column of any Reports indicating the MB size for documents associated to envelopes. The closest I came within the “Edit Column” options was “number of files” or “number of pages”.  I would say this does not exist currently in any Reports that I am aware of in DocuSign and to send in a feature request.

@LauraMU - I don’t believe there is a report in DocuSign that shows the volume of envelopes/documents sent in megabytes (MBs).  I think that’s what you are asking.   You might be able to extrapolate the value of MB by adding the # of Files to an Envelope report and from there assign an average size for your files. 

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