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Certain formula fields will not save when I “Save and Close.” Fortunately, not all of my formulas are disappearing, but certain ones do over and over. I have set up these formulas six times, and every time I save the document, upon reopening the template the formula setup has been erased.

Hello, @michaelsmills 


You are welcome to the Docusign Community!


Are you using such formulas inside a template? Or in a single envelope?


I had this situation before. For some reason my template get broken, so I had to create a template from the scratch, it solved the issue.


Another thing you can try: clear the cached files, cookies, and other site’s data in your browser.


Try to open an incognito window, login to your account and try to create the formulas. I’d suggest to you create a sample template with just one formula, save then test. If it’s OK keep editing and adding the other formula fields.


I hope that helps!




Thanks for your quick reply! Based on your advice, I used Chrome instead of Safari, which allowed me to add a few more formula fields. However, I encountered an issue where the fields would either not update or get deleted. Switching to Incognito mode helped me add a few more formula fields. Essentially, if I created one or two formula fields at a time, then saved and closed the template, they would stay. However, if I tried adding several fields at once, they would either disappear or not update.

Hello @michaelsmills ,

Welcome to the Docusign Community and thank you for posting your concerns!

I’m sorry to hear that you are unable to add several formula fields at once, I understand that you changed browsers and even though it helped you were still experiencing issues.

Are you still in need of assistance? Are you still getting those issues? 

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!

I am having the same issue. Any solutions?

Essentially the first reply I had to this question. I had to use Chrome instead of Safari for the best results and use Incognito mode. Even then, I would add just a few formula boxes, save, exit, and then go back and continue.


Definitely glitchy on DocuSign’s part, but I finally got it done.


The fields that I am calculating with the formula field are anchored. Do you know if this could be causing an issue?
