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What are I doing wrong.  when I try to send my envelope I get this message


To send, you must complete the 1 pre-fill fields with sender permissions.

Hi Emily,

That message indicates that there is at least one Pre-fill field on your document that has not been filled in. Pre-fill fields are a special kind of sender field that allow you to enter a value or other information onto your document before sending. If they are added, they must be filled in in order to send the envelope.

Please see our help guide Pre-fill Document Fields for more information.

Sounds like you may be using a template with a required pre-fill field. There is likely a field within the document that is needed to be completed by you, the sender. The field that needs to be completed is grey. 

THANK YOU!!!!  I have talked to 2 other DocuSign reps and neither could figure it out. All I needed was for someone to tell me to look for the grey box.  You rock!
