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I have a DocuSign account. I have a business who has sent me a form to DocuSign. In the past, the "review document" link always took me directly to the document to review and sign.

Now, I am being asked to sign in to my account and then I get this error message.


Authentication Error

The login information provided does not match the account for this envelope. Please try again and login with the same email address where you received this envelope.

For assistance, please visit our Support Center.

I do not know what has changed and no one seems to know how to resolve it.

The email account is correct.

Any suggestions?



Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.

So envelopes get routed to accounts that are closest to the sender's account server, and that is active. So what happened here is that you probably have more than 1 account activated, and you are probably logged into another account that is not related to the account that the envelope that was sent. I would recommend confirming if deleting the cache and cookies helps.

If not, please contact Customer Support to see if there are any active accounts, other than your main one, and have them deactivated. Once you have that done, contact your Sender to have them resend the envelope.

I would recommend having the sender delete your recipient tile and re-add it through a correction:

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

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Thanks for the response but perhaps I did not explain myself property.

A sender has sent me a document to sign. In the past, I was always sent to the document signing page (I've attached a PDF with an example to show what I mean).

Now, I am being redirected to my own log-in page, and that is not what used to happen and nor is it supposed to happen.

Even the alternate option with the security code sends me to the log in page and not to the document signing page.

Kind regards



Thank you for reaching back.

That would be normal behavior if the sending account requires that the recipients in their envelopes have to log in. When the envelope is sent, it usually goes to the correct account, however, if the recipient has an account (another account or a recipient account) that is closer to the sender's server than their default account, the envelope will route to those. So, when you enter your default account credentials in the login page, it will show that error. You can either enter the other account's credentials (if you know them) or Contact Customer Support.

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

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