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Hi I’ve been using DS for ages now, for signing PDFs by myself. 

Now I have a challenge: I must send the same PDF (with editable fields) to around 40-60 addresses for their signature.  If I have a standard free plan can I do so? If I need a paid plan, can the monthly personal plan do the trick? 

How will I know that I can send the same document to multiple addresses for them to (separately) fill out and send back? 

This was unclear to me when reading about envelopes (five?).  A bit urgent, thanks!

Hello, @Leonbruno 


Welcome to the DocuSign Community!


A Personal account plan gives to you five envelopes every 30 days. They are not cumulative, I mean, if you don’t use all of them, any remaining envelope will not be transferred to the next month.


Your scenario makes me think in the Template option. In a template you can build your form with all the fields must be completed by your recipients. So every time you need to send a new form, you just need to use the template, add the recipients and send the envelope, easy and quick!


Also, depending on the account plan is possible to use advanced features like Bulk Send to send many envelopes at once for the recipients using a template.


You said about 40-60 addresses, how are you planning to do that? Sending One envelope with the form for 40-60 recipients added to the one envelope? Or, are you planning to send separated envelopes for each recipient so that could be 40-60 envelopes?


I hope that helps!


Hi again thanks for trying to assist.  Not sure I get it yet.  Let me give more details. 

I have prepared a PDF which cannot be changed by the recipient and which is standard in all its part except for the space where the recipient needs to insert its company name, another space for their address, and another space (very bottom) for their signature.  

There are say 50 addressees so I expect 50 people to send me back their filled-out and signed document in finished and PDF form. 

Can I do this?  If so, with which plan? Thanks

Hello @Leonbruno ,


Thank you for reaching back and the further detail.


The feature mentioned by Alexandre (Bulk Send) is available for plans like Business Pro and above: Compare eSignature plans & pricing


This feature allows you to send several of the same documents to several people at once while in the envelope range allowed in your plan: What happens if I exceed the envelope allowance on my DocuSign eSignature plan?


So if you are looking to send the same document to several people at the same time, Bulk Send would be your best option (This would require you to set up a template), on the other hand, if it is going to be to several people but on different dates, a template alone would do the trick as you can use it time and time again whenever you need.


For more information on bulk send and templates, please see the below articles:


Bulk Send: Bulk Send for Multiple Recipients


Templates: Introduction to templates video


Let us know if you need further assistance with this.


Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator
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Hello @Leonbruno ,

If you found my response to be a useful solution to your question, please mark it as the best answer by clicking “Select as Best” to make it easier for other users to find.

Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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