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Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me. I have a free DocuSign account set up and I was just about to send a contract to be signed by the recipient, however, It has come up on my account that I’ve reached my envelope limit. This does not make sense as it says online “if you're collecting signatures, you can only send three documents with a free DocuSign account” However, I’ve sent way over three documents through out this year and last year, so I don’t understand why I didn’t get this exceeding limit before? I’ve sent more than three before. 

@Heybridge Dental Practice If you are able to submit a DocuSign Support case they would likely be able to provide more details on if the Account type has changed over the past year.  My assumption would be that you had a specific Account type such as a paid edition or at least a trial that allowed a greater number of envelopes.  That account may have been downgraded to a free account which primarily is used for envelope storage with minimum envelope sending capabilities.

Hello @Heybridge Dental Practice ,

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Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator
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