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Editing text within a template document for signature for many different people and changing text


I have student enrollment contracts and info in the contract change per student (i.e., scholarship Amount; Student Name; Services provided; etc.) -- but the main doc stays the same for all 50 students.  How can I individually edit an enrollment student contract and still have parents select a few radio dials and sign/date the document?  Please advise if this is possible to do and if it is possible -- how.  Thanks


DocuSign is perfect for your needs. You can create a Template and add customizable fields such as Scholarship Amount, Student Name, Services Provided, etc. This allows you to easily modify them as needed.

When sending envelopes using a template, you can prefill these fields and tailor each envelope for individual students. If you need to send envelopes to multiple students simultaneously, you can utilize the Bulk Send feature to send all 50 envelopes at once.

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