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I am receiving a kick back on a valid email address that docusign does not recognize. Has anyone had this issue and how was it rectified? TIA

@Shewitson Rejections can happen for a variety of reasons even when the email address is valid.  

  1. Does the email address fit standard form such as No extra spaces at the beginning or end in case you are copying and pasting.
  2. Are you able to directly email that through another app like Outlook, Yahoo mail or Gmail?
  3. Have you checked with the User to have them verify they do not reject messages from certain domains or address or messages that may look like Spam but are not?

Normally if I am able to send an email through Outlook without rejection, then I check on the Client side for issues and then I create a DocuSign case so they can review and provide more details about the rejected email, sometime there are codes or additional information that is not conveyed in the envelope.

This particular email ends in .org This person and I are able to send e-mails to each other through every other platform. Is there a way to be able to have docusign approve this email address?

@Shewitson The attempt by DocuSign is being made but if the envelope cannot be delivered, the issue may reside on the Recipient side.  So is the envelope providing any specific error or does the Recipient just say they are not receiving the envelope notification?  I would start with creating a DocuSign Support case with the email address being used and the envelope ID and ask the Recipient to check internally for any firewall, spam or other company or email settings which could reject the email notification. 

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