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As those responsible for the Personnel Department at Digibee Company (CNPJ:27.902.981/0001-19) we have access to DocuSign.
We are two people in the area, @Clariskelle Faller Huver Trindade and @Sara Pereira but we do not see each other within our DocuSign profile and the ideal would be for us to see each other on the documents that were signed for better management. Would it be possible?
Is it possible to change this?
The appropriate thing is that we both have a view of everything that she or I go up there for signature. Just like an area group.

So in my absence she can look for a document that I have signed, just as in her absence I can have the vision.

Another thing, can we leave the documents that are there, already signed, there as a dossier file, or does there have an expiration date for the already signed documents to disappear?

Thank you and I wait.

@Sara Pereira Two Users on the same DocuSign Account can either have Shared Envelope access to each other’s envelopes or shared access to a third party user’s repository.  Shared Envelopes need to be setup by your DocuSign Admin. Here is a DocuSign article for your review…

Hello @Sara Pereira ,

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Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator
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