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Here is our query - we have a company DocuSign account where multiple people will need to sign a document, but occasionally a signer down the line (#3, #4, etc) sees an issue and needs to make an edit to the form - does this cancel the envelop and a new one started? Or is there a way to make the edit at that #3 spot and keep the template going through the work chain, while informing the previous signers that an edit was made?


It really depends on what kind of change it is.   If the change is on the document where a previous recipient has singed, then the document would be locked for changes.   You would need to start with a different envelope and void the current one.  

If you find that keeps happening on your workflow, you might want to consider adding Collaboration to your most changed fields.


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Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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