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IS there any way to avoid the recipient form getting a “void” email or “was corrected” email?  believe it is not possible but want to check here. The client signed using wet signature but the DocuSign was still in process and was voided after the expiration date. There are a lot in process so they will receive more, can I prevent that?


No, you (the sender) cannot stop notifications being created in DocuSign eSignature.

If the client recipient has a DocuSign account they can modify their email notifications and decide not to receive some notifications, but this is nothing you can influence.

This is a tricky issue - By default the email notification preferences for recipients are set to notify users about all events, in your case voiding and correcting.  You can make this change at the account level for new users added to the account (If you create a new account keep that in mind).  Unfortunately, this change does not apply to users already on the account.   

This is a tricky issue - By default the email notification preferences for recipients are set to notify users about all events, in your case voiding and correcting.  You can make this change at the account level for new users added to the account (If you create a new account keep that in mind).  Unfortunately, this change does not apply to users already on the account.   

This is a good mention @JohnSantos and even updates of email notifications via API require user context.

However, this default settings only apply to internal user account and not for external users that you sent to. From your question I would assume the client is not part of your DocuSign account.

What about within the sender (DocuSign account user) “My Preferences”? Does that only apply to their recipients? Or the recipients they send it to? Or only to the user only as they play both roles with a DS account. I am assuming those settings do not apply to those they send it to?? 

What about within the sender (DocuSign account user) “My Preferences”? Does that only apply to their recipients? Or the recipients they send it to? Or only to the user only as they play both roles with a DS account. I am assuming those settings do not apply to those they send it to?? 

You can only change these notification settings for yourself as an individual.
